

种子检测 > 便携式水分检测仪 > Readerm便携式水分检测仪


Fast & accurate high moisture testing
a material sensing platform that provides lab quality analysis in the field.
It enables farmers, agronomists, and others to make timely decisions and improve efficiencies, with an innovative NIR spectroscopy platform that is cloud connected, portable, easy to use, and affordable.

Instant, In-Field Corn Kernel Moisture Analysis

Fast & accurate high moisture testing

we are a material sensing platform that provides lab quality analysis in the fifield.It enables farmers, agronomists, and others to make timely decisions and improveeffificiencies, with an innovative NIR spectroscopy platform that is cloud connected, portable,easy to use, and affordable.

Smart real-time analysis 

Analyze corn kernel moisture directly on the cob. Get results in less than a minute via an app on your phone 

Test ear corn moisture levels from 8% to 80% moisture in the fifield 

Real-time map: see the variation of moisture in a specifific fifield, plot or area 

Accurately estimate harvest timing 

Plot results to estimate drying costs and overall corn quality 

Trusted by major global seed companies
